Honorary Chairpersons of the Board of Directors

According to the Chamber's Statute, 
the Ambassador of the day of the Hellenic Republic to the Republic of Kenya and 
the Ambassador of the day of the Republic of Kenya in the Hellenic Republic, 
if they wish to, may accept the Honorary Chairs of the Board of Directors.


Honorary Consul Pantazopoulou Vicky

Hon. Consul of the Republic of Kenya in the Hellenic Republic


Ambassador Zavoritis Dimitrios

Ambassador of Greece to the Republic of Kenya





Board of Directors


Katsikeas Venizelos – Vassilis Georgios

Entrepreneur, Chairman, VGK Group Int’l Inc, Athens & Nairobi

A' Vice - Chairman

Mbaru Jimnah Mwangi

Chairman, Dyer & Blair Investment Bank, Nairobi

B' Vice - Chairman

Dr. Kirubi Christopher John

Chairman & Executive Director, International House Ltd, Nairobi

C' Vice - Chairman

Christides Michael

Ambassador, Secretary General of the Permanent International Secretariat of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Secretary General 

Syngros M. Aristomenis (Aris)

General Director at Tepro Metall AG, Köln


Alternate Secretary General 

Wako Charles

Chairman, East African Safari Air Express (SAX), Nairobi


Alexakis Eleftherios

Chairman, Global Trade 6 Ltd, Athens



Members Board of Directors

Alexiadis Kleovoulos

General Director, Alpha Plan Consultants, Thessaloniki


Dontas Evripidis

President & CEO, Selected Textiles SA, Athens



Liagos Athanasios

Member of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund, member of the Economic Chember and the Association of the Chief Executives.

Kinyua Nikodimos Maina

Project Administrator, NGO “ASANTE”, Athens

Kirimlidis Dimitrios

Managing Director, LDK Engineering Consultants SA, Athens & Nairobi


Dr. Labroukos Nikolaos-Socrates

Chairman, BPM Business Consulting SA, Athens


Zahi Saba

Assistant Vice President (Sales, Estimation and Proposals), Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC), Athens