Kenya Vision 2030: The national long-term development blue-print

The Kenya Vision 2030 is the national long-term development blue-print that aims to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality of life to all its citizens by 2030 in a clean and secure environment.

The Vision comprises three key pillars: Economic; Social; and Political. The Economic pillar aims to achieve an average economic growth rate of 10 per cent per annum and sustaining the same until 2030. The Social Pillar seeks to engender just, cohesive and equitable social development in a clean and secure environment, while the Political Pillar aims to realize an issue-based people-centred, result-oriented and accountable democratic system.

The three pillars are anchored on the foundations of macroeconomic stability; infrastructural development, Science, Technology and Innovation (STI; Land Reforms, Human Resources Development, Security and Public Sector Reforms.
