Zavoritis Dimitrios, Ambassador, Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in the Republic of Kenya
I feel happy and I consider it as my honor to receive a proposal addressed to me, to become Honorary President of the Hellenic-Kenyan Chamber of Industry, Trade, Development, tourism and Culture. I wish to let you know that with pleasure I accept this proposal wholeheartedly.
I believe that the position of the Honorary President is not just and only an attribution to the person bearing this title within his duties as Ambassador of Greece, it also engulfs, as far as I am concerned, my sincere respect and appreciation for the goals and the work the Chamber is performing, for the perspectives and its future endeavors as well.
I view the Hellenic – Kenyan Chamber of Industry, Trade, Development, Tourism and Culture and its mission as highly instrumental to promoting and further widening the excellent relations existing, at all levels, between the two Republics, Kenya and Greece. Within this scope, I understand a clear coincidence with the definition of my duties as Ambassador of Greece. Thereby, I am ready for cooperation with the Chamber, by contributing, along with the Chamber, to the enhancement of the bilateral relations, in different fields of great importance for the progress and wellbeing of both countries and peoples.
Dimitrios Zavoritis
Ambassador of Greece to the Republic of Kenya